Is King Cole Green or Pink? An Eco Friendly Brand

King Cole, an eco friendly brand

Following our temporary rebrand you may ask the question, is King Cole green or pink? What else is King Cole doing to be an Eco Friendly Brand?

In our last blog, Green is the New Pink, we heard all about how King Cole is an Eco-Friendly Brand. We made some big changes which made a big difference to our carbon footprint.

However, it isn’t just large projects that make King Cole an eco-friendly company. All members of staff at King Cole are doing their bit for the planet and we have been undertaking good practices for years.


Commuting Locally

Of the 30 people that work in our head office in Skipton, 95% live within a 20-minute drive of our offices, a couple of us carpool, a few take public transport, one cycles, and three walk in.

As a result, not only do we provide support to our local area, but we also have low carbon emissions from staff vehicle transport. Since March 2020 we’ve also encouraged our staff to work from home where possible, further cutting time spent on the road.

As we said in our last green blog, we have an electric car charging point which is available to the public. A handful of members of our team regularly use this charging point.


A Collective Effort

At our offices in Skipton every desk has a recycling bin, there’s only one rubbish bin in the whole building! Whilst we may not know what happens at recycling centres, we do our best to ensure as much recyclable material gets there as possible.

We go through loads of cardboard boxes in our warehouse and we are not one to pass up a good opportunity to build a fort!

As fun as that may be, health and safety does not tolerate shenanigans such as fort building. Used boxes are actually just stacked and stored in a safe and un-fort like fashion, ready to be re-used for orders!


Wool is Biodegradable

If we weren’t obsessed by wool we wouldn’t be a very good knitting company. Our favourite ranges such as, Merino Blend DK and Merino Blend 4Ply, are made from wool and we love releasing new shades each year.

Did you know that wool is 100% biodegradable?! One fact often taken for granted is that wool is a natural resource. When wool is disposed of it will decompose over a matter of months, releasing all of it’s woolly goodness back into the Earth.



In truth, pink is who we are, but we’re doing everything we can to be more green.